I made two quilts from the pattern "A Quilt with a View," which was in the September 2005 issue of
McCall's Quick Quilts magazine. In both quilts I used corduroy from yardage and clothing (pants, shorts, etc., which I obtained mostly from garage sales) and backed one with flannel and the other with homespun. I serged the corduroy squares with the black cotton strips and they went together really fast -- a perfect quilt for using this type of squares -- or so I thought. However, after having them quilted, I took them to a laundromat to use front-loading washing machines and dryers to launder them as they were too heavy to launder in my home machines. In a couple of places on each, I noticed that the corduroy is tearing away from the black strips. :-( I guess corduroy maybe wasn't the best choice afterall. I made these for my two oldest, college-aged sons for Christmas and was hoping for something that would withstand lots of wear. They did like them though, so I will repair them and they will use them.

Kip and his quilt.

Micah and his quilt.